速報APP / 個人化 / Christmas watch face | Christmas Days an

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days an





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



聯絡地址:Rome Italy

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖1)-速報App

Christmas days is a cool animated watch face featuring a relaxing Winter landscape, inspired by material design style.

Wear the Spirit of Christmas and share it with your family and friends!!!


Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖2)-速報App


- Time in 12H / 24H format (configuration option)

- Date in DMY / MDY format

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖3)-速報App

- Countdown to Christmas day

- Animated Christmas tree lights

- Sun and Moon alternate in the sky marking the passing of day

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖4)-速報App

- Sky color gradient changes with time/snow

- Stars fading in and out at sunset and dawn

- Clouds move in the sky from East to West

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖5)-速報App

- Snow falls softly (you decide how frequently)

- Window lights and chimney smoke appear at night.. except when people in the cozy cottage sleep :-)

- Christmas day surprise, featuring Santa Claus and... your gift boxes under the Christmas tree!

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖6)-速報App

- Extremely low energy consumption always on mode (both low-bit and high color)


The black background faces are only visible – depending on the device – when either the watch ambient mode or the burn in protection modes are enabled and active.

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖7)-速報App


For further reference about configuration and installation procedures, please check the watch face support page here: https://www.veertualia.com/christmas-watch-face-christmas-days-animated-android-wear/

Rate us, if you liked it!

Christmas watch face | Christmas Days animated(圖8)-速報App

And don’t forget to visit our exclusive watch face collection by visiting https://www.veertualia.com/software/wearable/ or on the Play Store https://goo.gl/L1xCie


Keywords: christmas, xmas, animated, material design, santa claus, holiday, christmas gift boxes